lumps and bumps

Dec 22

It's been a bummer of a couple days here.

First, I discovered I left a bag of gifts at the Target in Duluth two weeks ago. I didn't notice it until yesterday because I threw all my shopping bags in a pile to keep them away from prying little eyes. When I went to wrap everything, I couldn't find the bag of stocking stuffers.

I called Target, and they said everything would have been reshelved. They have a record of it in their computer, so it wouldn't be a problem to pick stuff up. I can go back to the store to get everything at some point, but is it really worth it when it's about $20 worth of stuff?

Second, we ran out of propane last night. This happened despite signing up for the Keep Fill program, which they now say we *didn't* do. Grrr! We also have a -30 degree windchill today, so our house is getting colder by the minute. The fuel truck should show up soon, and then our furnace should get the house back up to temp in a couple of hours.

These have been a couple of ugly little bumps, but I still think this week will end on a bright note. I can't wait to see the boys open their presents on Christmas!