30 day shred challenge

Jan 01

Happy New Year! I've decided to set real, attainable goals for myself this year. One of the things I want to do is get in better shape. (Who doesn't, right?) I'm already below my pre-pregnancy weight, but I definitely could lose a few more pounds and tone up. More than that, I feel sluggish and have a hard time keeping up with the boys. I know exercise will be an all-around help.

For Christmas, AJ bought Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred" for me. I put it on my wish list after one of my favorite mommy bloggers talked about using it (along with kickboxing) to get back into shape after her son was born. She and I had the same due date, but I neglected to jump on the fitness bandwagon after Elliot was born.

This blogger has an older son who is about the same age as Alden. She manages to work part-time, be a mom, keep her house clean, and exercise. The exercise part is where I have been failing, miserably.

That all changed tonight. I just finished "shredding" for the first time, and let me tell you, I'm tuckered. I can barely type. Yes, this workout is so good that I can barely move my fingers! I shudder to think about what tomorrow will be like, but I look forward to coming out the other end of these 30 days a whole lot stronger!