random Wednesday: It's a Christmas tree, Charlie Brown

We have another Charlie Brown tree this year; a balsam fir from just outside our door.

I like to describe the tree as "open" and "airy" to anyone who asks. That way, I don't need to feel any tree envy when they talk about their "full" and "gorgeous" spruce picked up at the tree lot in town for $35. "Ha," I think to myself. "Mine was free!"

I've had wispy trees like this since I was a kid, and can't seem to get anything else when the time comes for tree cutting. Their very comforting to look at, and the smell is just divine. Plus, it was free.

Still, I think next year might be the year we get a "full" and "gorgeous" one. Just to, you know, see what it's like.


Anonymous said...

Um, no? You remember the "full, gorgeous" tree we got from the Partas, and how much of a PITA it was? Uggggh.

I am willing to speak the language of compromise, though... I'll trade you ten years of "full, gorgeous" trees for ten years of a "unique, character-laden" sailboat. ;-)

Meagan said...

The Parta tree was more like a giant green toilet brush. It wasn't gorgeous and was beyond the point of full. I'm thinking along the lines of a spruce. Or at least a branchier balsam.

And you know you don't have to talk me into a sailboat. :)