Does thinking about blogging count as blogging?

Dec 26

I've had all sorts of post ideas in the past month, but just haven't put fingers to keyboard.

For those who are interested, I got out of jury duty...sort of. I can't be taken off the list, but they changed my time to serve to April. This gives me about four months to wean Alden. It should be fairly easy to knock out the daytime nursing if I can kick his nursing to sleep habit. I don't think I'll let go of the nighttime feedings, just yet, though.

Speaking of The Kid, he turned the big O-N-E on Sunday, December 11! We had a small party with cupcakes and Christmas cookies. I loved watching Alden dig into his birthday cupcake and tearing the paper off of his presents.

Bub started walking just in time for his big day. He's not everywhere yet, but he has definitely started the process of being Homo Erectus. He especially likes to walk toward me from the couch or whatever else he is holding onto with a big ol' grin of pride, and then tossing himself at me with wide-open arms for a gigantic Mommy hug/catch. Very heart-melting!