10 things for 2010

Jan 05

I want this to be a big year, with months filled to overflowing with activities and accomplishments!

1. Family - I want to spend more time outside with my family. We need to go sledding more often this winter. Summer should find us exploring some new places around the area (maybe going east, instead of the typical west). I also want to meet my nephew before he gets too big and visit my sister and BIL once they move to Michigan.

2. Friends - I want to hang out with more people in person, rather than through the computer screen. Ideas in the works include a cooking club and monthly parties. I just need to schedule something!

3. Photography - I need to learn how to shoot with the manual settings on the camera. I also want to learn more about composition and lighting. And I definitely need to take more pictures to practice.

4. Cake decorating - Krista and I have talked about taking a cake decorating class for ages. This will be the year it finally happens. We signed up for the beginner course, and start in February. Who knows how far we will take it.

5. Gardening - I need to make a reasonable plan, that includes planting dates. Weeding and weed prevention have to be top priority, too. I also want to build a greenhouse/garden shed, but need to get some salvaged materials to do it. Anyone know somebody with some extra 2x4s?

6. House - Gutters, paint (inside and out), garage doors, basement, etc. I need to make a plan and schedule the work.

7. Studio - I need to realistically analyze all the stuff in here and get rid of the things I won't ever use (I'm looking at you, upholstery fabric!).

8. Sewing - I want to finish one quilt and start another one. I think scheduling the time to do it will be the key to actually doing it.

9. Organization - I'm pretty scattered at the moment, so I need to organize my things and my time. Focus on what should go where and mark down when things will happen.

10. Travel - We don't have a big budget to travel this year, and we already plan to spend most of it on our Christmas trip to Syracuse. I do think we can swing one weekend trip every now and then. Maybe a trip to Madison, Milwaukee or Door County will work.

Bonus Resolution: I miss blogging, so consider this a notice that you'll be seeing more in this space soon!