february funk

Mar 03

February flew by, with nary a peep from me. Truth be told, I've been sucked into the time vortex that is Facebook. Even though I cumulatively spend about an hour each day on there, I feel like that is my writing/playing/socializing time. So, my poor blog has suffered. Here's a quick update, and jeez, I hope to have some real crafty/artsy/thrifty commentary to follow in the weeks to come.

Shredding hit a snag in early February, when we all successively battled a week long stomach bug. Now, we are dealing with The Cold That Never Ends (this is week three, if you can believe it). I plan to get back on track with the "30 Day Shred" tomorrow, even though it is going to kick my ass. My cold is finally gone and I don't have to work, so I'm out of excuses.

On the home front, I am gearing up to clear out a lot of accumulated junk. We have baby stuff, clothing, and household stuff that is just taking up space. My biggest question is: Do I sell it or donate it? I'm leaning towards donating anything worth less than $10. That way, I don't spend a ton of time selling lots of little stuff.

As for crafting and thrifting, I haven't done much of either. Thrifting has been put on hold until I clear out what we don't use. I also need to be careful about my purchases, and only buy what we actually need. Crafting has taken a backseat to organization of this chaotic mess. I will feel more capable of being creative in a clean space!

That's all the incoherent babble you'll get from me tonight. More, soon...