33 weeks: it's crunch time and a wish list
We have about a month until Bunny shows up. Yeah! Everything has settled down quite a bit, so I'm fairly confident we will make it at least to 36 weeks (the minimum we need to be at to deliver at the local hospital). I'm hoping s/he hangs in there until 37 weeks, since there should be virtually no problems at that point (Alden had trouble keeping his temperature up and a bit of jaundice, but was otherwise fine at 36 weeks 5 days).
With Christmas happily and successfully celebrated, we are now shifting gears. We'll be focusing on readying the house (and Alden) for the new baby. We have some more cleaning to do, and need to set up the crib(!) in our bedroom. Also, AJ's parents delivered our new car seat for Christmas, so that leaves just a few more items to buy before baby gets here.
Which brings me to my next item...I feel really weird about doing this, but since so many people have asked what we need, I thought I would share our short wish list here. We need:
- 0-3 onesies, pants and tops in unisex colors (white, red, yellow and green are good) - We have a bunch of jammies, but I gave away nearly all of our 0-3 clothing because we weren't thinking about having another bambino anytime soon. BTW, we sent the clothes to Hurricane Katrina victims. Those ladies definitely needed that stuff more than us at that point!
- Bundle Me Baby Bunting in Graphite - This is a car seat cover for keeping baby warm.
- SwaddleMe Infant Wraps - We have a lot of blankets, but I know from experience with Alden that wriggly babies can kick them off. These wraps come highly recommended from a bunch of other moms.
A Christmas rewind post is coming soon...
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