sketchbook Monday: missing my mojo
Have you ever just felt completely and totally uninspired?
I had to force myself to sketch today.
This little man/guy/dude thing appeared in the wood grain of the paneling in my living room. (I'm sure you all see pictures and patterns in things like wood grain or bathroom tiles or linoleum, right? I'm not crazy and/or alone in this, right? I remember first seeing images in the linoleum tiles on the floor of the bathroom in the house where I grew up. I swear I saw Satan in one of the shapes, and it always made me do my business much, much faster.) I have no idea who this guy is or where I'll use him, but I think he's cute even though he's a bit odd.This little birdie evolved from several feathery sketches. This might be cute for a card ... maybe Easter or spring.
I'm hoping this funk I'm in will pass soon. I have some sewing I'd like to do for Christmas presents, and this dampening of my mind has really turned me off from doing anything except sitting on the couch with hot chocolate and reading (either to The Boy or to myself).
What do you do when you're in a rut? I plan to just keep on keeping on, and work despite my numb mind, but I would love to hear what you do.
Thanks, Claudia! I forget to get out (there always seems to be something else that I need to do), and we haven't been on our regular Sunday hike since hunting season began a month ago.
I think I'll add walking to my list of things to do today.
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